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Room 1 Kirklandneuk

Friday, October 20, 2017

Term 1

Room 1 have had a busy, yet fun filled Term 1.  We learned all about our local community and the history of Renfrew.  As part of this, we visited the Church and found out when it was built, and we also went on a walk around the community.  We did a litter pick as we did this.  We now know lots about where we live.

Primary 1 have been looking at numbers to 10, working on our formation and counting skills.  We have also looked at 2D and 3D shapes.


Primary 2 have been looking at numbers to 100, their number names and how to identify them.  

We have worked so hard this term, and absolutely deserved our End of Term Reward.  We enjoyed our longer Golden Time and mini disco.

Miss Breslin has lots of fun topics and activities planned for us in Term 2, we can't wait!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017


Miss Breslin has been so pleased to welcome her new class to Room 1.

Primary 2 have been fantastic buddies for Primary 1, helping them settle into class and showing them where places in the school are.  Miss Breslin is so proud of you!

Primary 1 have had plenty of visits from their Primary 7 buddies, who have also helped us at playtime and lunchtime.  They have played with us at Golden Time and have read some stories with us.  We have enjoyed getting to know our buddies. 

We are looking forward to a fun year, where we are "the best primary 1/2 ever!!"

Monday, August 14, 2017


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Classrooms 4 Malawi Coffee Afternoon

Room 1 enjoyed dressing in their own clothes for Classrooms 4 Malawi day.  They learned that the money that they donated would go towards building schools for children in Malawi.  They went to a coffee afternoon, where many of them enjoyed their family joining them.  

Monday, February 13, 2017

Term 3

Room 1 have been very busy this term.  We have been learning Scottish Country dance with Room 3, and Primary 2 helped us learn some more dances.  We had so much fun!!

World of Work week saw many visitors come to our class to talk about their job.  We were so excited to hear from them, and we now want to work really hard at school so that we can do some of these jobs.  Police Officers visited to tell us about their job (and that they are looking for The Gruffalo!!), a nurse visitedus, an ice hockey player also visited and we saw some unmarked police cars.  Andrew Mitchell, who is our Active Schools Co-ordinator also came in to tell us about his job and to play some fun games.

We have been learning the Number Stories of 2, 3, 4, and 5 and worked together to think of all the ways we can add to make these numbers.
We have been learning about Toys from the Past after Buzz Lightyear visited and asked us to.  We made a Victorian cup and ball, and had fun trying to get the ball in the cup.  We are really looking forward to learning lots more about toys in the past, and if we still play with any of them today.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Primary 1 were learning about the names of 2D and 3D shapes.  They used marshmallows as the vertices (corners) and cocktail sticks for the edges (sides) to recreates some of the shapes.

All of Primary 1 visited the Trinity Church as they have been learning about Welcoming a Baby in RME.  Reverend Steell talked to us about a baptism ceremony and then let us look around his church.   Thank you Reverend Steell.

Our buddies came down to make a friendship key ring.  They helped us put them onto our school bags once we had finished so that they could always be with us.  We love spending time with our buddies, so this was a fun activity.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Welcome to Primary 1.  We have already been so busy this term and can't wait to do even more fun things.  We have been learning some of our sounds and have been learning to recognise our numbers and count them.  Miss Breslin has been so impressed by how quickly we are learning new things.

We have enjoyed spending time with our buddies.  They have shown us round the school, taken us to the lunch hall for lunch, and come down to have Golden Time with us.  We look forward to spending more time with them.

We have learned about the people who help us in school, and were lucky that Johnny the Janitor, Miss Kingsley (cook) and Mrs Howie (Classroom Assistant) came to talk to us about their jobs.

For European Week we learned about a French artist called Monet, and recreated his Waterlilies picture.  we had a French afternoon, where we learned a French song and tasted some French food - yumm!!!

We were so lucky to have an author come in to visit us.  Lyn McNicol read us some of the story about Badger the Mystical Mutt and Badger visited us.  We enjoyed this very much!