Thursday, December 9, 2010
Our topic this term is toys. We will be looking at how toys have changed over the years and the materials that are used to make them.
We completed a placemat challenge in our groups to find out about our favourite toys and had to use lots of describing words. Mrs Ayres was impressed with the detail we were giving and with how well we listened to each other in our groups.
We completed a placemat challenge in our groups to find out about our favourite toys and had to use lots of describing words. Mrs Ayres was impressed with the detail we were giving and with how well we listened to each other in our groups.
Super sounds
The children have been making very good progress with their Jolly Phonic sounds. We are now using the sounds to help us to make words. Mrs Ayres is very pleased at how well the children can help her to sound out words on the whiteboard and some children are even sounding the words out for their own writing.
We are learning to write a sentence. We are usually very good at remembering our finger spaces and we know that it is very important to start with a capital letter and finish with a full stop.