Active Learning
As part of our Maths and Language programmes, we have lots of skills reinforcement (active learning) activities. We enjoy lots of different things from using the
computers and the Smart-board, to using multi-link and playing matching
and bingo games. Dominoes, board games, whiteboards, number tracks, Beebots, books and jigsaws are just some of the other resources we use!
Sometimes we work on our own, with a partner or in a group with Mrs Wallace. These tasks and games help us to reinforce and consolidate our learning.
Room 1 is very lucky to have a learning tent and comfy library inside the class. We also have a water tray and sand tray just outside our class in our fantastic breakout space. Active learning is a great chance for us to work with different people in the class. Mrs Wallace says we work very well at active learning times!
Sometimes we work on our own, with a partner or in a group with Mrs Wallace. These tasks and games help us to reinforce and consolidate our learning.
Room 1 is very lucky to have a learning tent and comfy library inside the class. We also have a water tray and sand tray just outside our class in our fantastic breakout space. Active learning is a great chance for us to work with different people in the class. Mrs Wallace says we work very well at active learning times!
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